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Party member meeting

Source£º Time: 2018/4/10 16:48:52 Click Num:582´Î

2018 is the beginning year of carrying out the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the CPC and opening a new journey, and is also the key year for the company to improve its efficiency after successful upgrading and transformation. In this new year, the Party branch of the company will further strengthen organizational construction, innovate the carrier of activities, find out the general idea of the Party building work and the company's annual plan, improve the effectiveness of the Party building work, strengthen the implementation of responsibilities, and strengthen supervision.

The specific work plan is to be held on April 10, 2018, at 2:00 p.m. at the Party and Mass Activity Center on the fourth floor of the company. The participants are all Party members and activists. The agenda of this meeting is divided into the work plan of Jianghong Party Branch in 2018, the supervision plan of Jianghong Party Branch in 2018, the announcement of the results of democratic review of Party members in 2017 and the organizational meeting of Party Branch in April. Firstly, by discussing the work plan and supervision plan, it is not only a summary and comment on the performance of Party members in the previous year, but also the deployment and arrangement of the work plan for the first year of 2018, in which the activities and plans are implemented to the specific time and responsible persons, and the Party members and comrades voted through the two plans.

During this period, Comrade Li Daijin, Secretary of the Party Branch of the Company, further emphasized the supervision work of the Company Branch. The focus of the supervision work should be on the implementation of the company's major business decisions, the efficiency, objectives, the completion of indicators, the performance status of managers at all levels, the company's rules and regulations and labor. The supervision team should go deep into all departments and workshops regularly and regularly to understand the opinions and suggestions of employees, solve the problems of low efficiency, low quality, unclear responsibilities, unclear responsibilities, lax self-discipline and poor implementation, investigate and punish violations of discipline and regulations, and make supervision and accountability a pressurized process. The sobering agent should be taken to make the inspection work a "system with teeth".

At the meeting, through organizing life meetings, Party members and comrades launched criticism and self-criticism, especially from the aspect of self-criticism, in-depth analysis of their own problems, and put forward valuable opinions and suggestions for other comrades, in order to find a correct direction for future work.

Through this meeting, the work of this year's branch has been fully laid out, detailed planning, clear responsibilities, and emphasized the key points. I believe that Jianghong will be more firm and long-term in 2018 under the leadership of the Party branch.